Monday, 24 January 2011

The Gospel of Steve Jobs

Incredibly I had never quite made the association between the Apple corporate logo and the Genesis narrative! Although I have always understood Steve Jobs as being an incredibly driven man who often drives the people around him a bit crazy.

Take a look at the history of the Apple logo:

Interestingly, original original logo was all about Isaac Newton (a Christian and a creationist) and the apple falling on his head when he had his eureka moment about gravity.

The more familiar 'original' logo had the rainbow in it as well. 

The article talks about this:
"Nothing exemplifies that ability more than Apple's early logo, which slapped a rainbow on the very archetype of human fallenness and failure—the bitten fruit—and made it a sign of promise and progress."

You could just a easily put a positive spin on this from a Christian perspective. The rainbow is a symbol of hope, grace and promise from a loving God; and the only hope we have as fallen human beings is the promise of being covered in the righteousness of Christ.

Despite this, reading about Steve Job's early life shows just how far away he was from having a 'traditional' Christian upbringing by USA standards.

We should continue to pray for him as he faces the big questions of life and death as a result of his ongoing health problems.

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