Tuesday, 16 August 2011

City2Surf Results

Well, the results are in!
Amazingly, our first time City2Surfer Andrew Houtas has blitzed the field with an outstanding 76mins and 40secs!!! He even managed to eclipse Glen Mace's incredible 'most improved' time by 12 seconds.
Despite a dodgy knee Geoff still managed an impressive 78mins and 37secs. The remainder of the Stoddart family must have been holding hands as they crossed the line with a very respectable collective time
of 86mins and 42secs.
It also looks like Jonathan managed to steal line honours from his dad by just 12 seconds with an impressive first time result of 89mins 20secs.
Incredibly, Andrew has only narrowly missed leap frogging the 'green' group and going straight to the 'red' group if he decides to run next year.
To be honest, I am a little disappointed with my own results even though I did beat my previous years time by one minute. I had been struggling with a cold all last week, and as of this morning I have been diagnosed with a related sinus infection after a nasty ear ache last night.
I am now on antibiotics and will hopefully I will be all better for the Pub2Pub in couple of weeks. I think if I try to keep up with Andrew for a long as I can I might be able to get a reasonable time in that event!

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