Friday, 14 November 2008

Evolution - The Experience

A microbiologist friend of mine recently received an invitation to an Event to be held in Melbourne in 2009 called "Evolution - The Experience". The conference is endorsed by The Australian Society for Microbiology -- no doubt to the disappointment of my friend.

It looks like the Darwin propaganda machine continues to roll on -- sadly I expect that the event may well be at least partially funded by our State and Federal Governments.

Ironically the organisers haven't actually overstated the impact:
"The Origin of Species, sparked an intellectual, social and spiritual revolution.
 It radically transformed our understanding of life on this planet – the origins of life, our relationship to other species and the way life can adapt or fail to do so in the face of environmental change."
The problem is that 'radical transformation' not based on truth will ultimately take you in a direction that you will eventually live (or die) to regret!

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