I want to speak today to parents of all kinds.
The Family was instituted by God and in Genesis 1:27 The Bible says that after God created Adam and Eve and then He blessed them and said to them amongst other things - “Be fruitful and multiply”
And so parenting was approved by God. Children are special to him and he entrusts them to fallible human beings!
The Word of God tells many stories about both the influence of parents on children. I want to remind you this morning of a few examples of parenting which are recorded in The Bible for our instruction.
* ISAAC & REBEKAH ( Gen. 27 )
with sons, Esau & Jacob
Deception & Lies, Favouritism
* JACOB & RACHEL ( Gen. 37 esp. vs 3&4 )
with son, Joseph
Favouritism ( sibling rivalry )
* ELI - The Priest ( 1 Sam. 2:12 & 22-25a )
with sons, Hophni & Phineas
Lack of Discipline -immorality
* DAVID ( 2 Sam. esp. Ch.13 )
& his children
No boundaries or limits set
cf. own adultery, incest, rebellion, murder
* THE PARABLE OF THE LOST SON ( Luke 15 :11-31 ) - told by Jesus
It could just have easily been called the “PARABLE OF THE COMPASSIONATE FATHER”
vs. 11 - two sons
children are different
- This is a profound truth.
- Recognising that your children are different by design may help you to avoid may of the pitfalls of favouritism.
- Are you communicating love to your child in a language that he understands?
vs 20 The father continued to love his son even though he was “in a far country” children need parents to love them even when they do the wrong thing.
- When they betray your trust
- When they break your possessions or waste your money.
vs 20,22 & 31 The father affirmed his children in words & deeds children need parents to express their love as well as show affection.
- Father’s (& mothers) – do you express your love verbally to your wife and your children? Do you take the time to hug and kiss your children? Do your children trust you enough to let you into their private world?
- Remember, its not about quality and quantity of time – the real issue for fathers is “Do my children trust me?”
- Look at the way the father listened to his son. He “came out” to plead with him.
- He didn’t rebuke the elder son for his selfishness. He affirmed him, he reassured him. He then helped him to see the preciousness of his brother, and the miracle of his return.
- He is an active listener to our requests ( even unreasonable ones )
- He always responds and allows us the freedom to make mistakes . He never seeks to control us and make us do what He wants but has a given us a free will
- Even when we make mistakes, He loves us just the same and He never gives up on us.
- “Love always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres…” 1Cor13 I looked up the word “always” in the dictionary…it means “always”.
- He allows us to learn from the mistakes we make and is always ready and willing to forgive us when we come to our senses and repent of our wilful and sinful ways.
- He affirms our worth and value and made each of us in His image.
- He permits us to own and express our thoughts and feelings to Him without judgment or condemnation.
- He hates sin but loves the sinner.
- He loves us unconditionally and He took the initiative in expressing His love in action by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Saviour and Redeemer.
It’s my prayer that, in future, as you reflect on the parable of the prodigal son, you will not miss the picture of the love of God for His lost children and will see His arms outstretched and running towards you, ready to embrace you and welcome you or any other person who repents and returns home.
It is also my prayer for GKGW graduates especially, that you remember the Heart of Grace in our Heavenly Father and realise that God is more interested in shaping our hearts than in making us conform to a strict set of rules or standard of behaviour.
Are you parenting for your own comfort, or are you seeking to impart something of the values and heart of God into the hearts of your children? Are you doing this in order that they too might share in His compassion for His children – whether they be lost or found!!!
As Gary Ezzo says, our mission is “to define God the the world so that the world might find God”.
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