Friday, 25 February 2011

An old letter from 1978

My mum recently dug out an old letter she had originally sent to her mother in Perth back in 1978. It gives an interesting insight into my life when I was around 10 years old. I don't remember being 'keen' about piano lessons, but I can still play a couple of the pieces that Gem Buck taught us, so I guess something went in.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Hi family,

Dad has been having quite a clean up and came across this letter written to my Mum, dated August, 1978. Thought you might be interested in these excerpts:

"I can hear Natalie singing to herself in her room, but she's not complaining yet so I'll continue on here. She is a real delight right now and we feel as if we'd like to "freeze" her and keep her just as she is at 18 months old. She is learning to talk and says quite a lot of words and will try to repeat words we ask her to. She says 'bye-ee', and will often find me where-ever I am, carrying her bag and tell me 'bye-ee', wave and toddle off. She's a real bundle of mischief, more so than all the boys put together and is able to climb up and get into everything. However, for the most part she is very easy going and amuses herself well (even if it is up on my dressing table!)

This week is education week in NSW schools and this morning I have been up to the school to visit Leigh's classroom. I spoke briefly to his teacher and she said that she is delighted with him. I was aware that with his schoolwork he was way ahead and I know from what he brings home that he rarely makes mistakes, but it was good to hear that she is also very happy with his behaviour, so I have come away feeling quite proud of my little boy!

Tomorrow is sports day for the primary school, and on Thursday I have to visit Carey and Wesley's classes. They both brought home very satisfactory reports and while they're not genius standard, they were both average and above average and also very pleasing in the comments on behaviour and social adjustment. Wes has done particularly well with his 'book work' and is in fact quite a book worm (as his mother and grandmother before him).

Did I mention that all 3 boys have been learning music this term? Carey and Wesley are especially keen - I guess maybe Leigh is a little young as yet. One of the ladies from the church is teaching them all. Two of them go together on a Monday morning before school and they take it is turns to have a lesson alone on Wednesday mornings. It's a mad rush to try and get them there by 8a.m., but well worth it we feel. The only problem is that I get awfully sick of hearing that piano practice all the time, with three of them on the go!!"

It was great to find this letter. It was three pages all up mentioning things I have long since forgotten.

Love Mum

Friday, 18 February 2011

Deep divisions simmer in our cultural melting pot

A very interesting article:

I find myself in agreement with much of this article. I remember being at school in the 70's and 80's and gaining the impression that Australia had little if any to offer in terms of culture before the wave of post WWII immigration.

It has definitely fueled my own determination retain the core values of what it means to be Australian.

The extract from Paul Keating's speech is pretty good:

"The first loyalty of all Australians must be to Australia, that they must accept the basic principles of Australian society. These include the Constitution and the rule of law, parliamentary democracy, freedom of speech and religion, English as a national language, equality of the sexes and tolerance".

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Wes the space shuttle pilot

From our recent trip to Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.

Nautilus-X could be NASA's first manned deep-space explorer

I am very excited about Nautilus-X.

The PowerPoint is a thing of beauty.

This is the sort of thinking, planning and building that NASA should be doing. This is a proper spaceship!

My friend suggested that we still some way off working out how to overcome the debilitating effects of long term space travel both physically and psychologically.

However, I believe that the centrifuge with artificial gravity will make a big difference. They are hoping to test a version of it on the ISS. With the Mars 500 mission underway in Moscow we are already doing long-term psychological experiments on the type of isolation required for a long range space flight.

I'm just excited that there appears to be some original thinking and planning going on inside NASA.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Last minute Micheal Bublé

Free tickets too!!! Thank you Iain and Sarah - and the NAB.

Tom's first good reverse park

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Friday, 4 February 2011

Simon's Dedication from September 3 2000

I found this when I was cleaning up my old Yahoo mail account. It was written by my Dad. All I have done is clean up some of the formatting and correct the odd typo. I still remember parts of this sermon years later, and I honestly think that Dad was preaching under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, perhaps even more than he understood at the time. Enjoy!



Sunday, 3rd September, 2000
Christian Worship Centre, Collaroy Plateau

Infant Presentation  & Parental Dedication conducted by his paternal grandfather

Psalm 127:3 says that children are 'a heritage and a reward from the Lord' and in Deuteronomy Chapter 6 parents are reminded that it is their responsibility to make their faith an integral part of their family life. Parents are encouraged to love God with all their heart, soul and strength and impress God's commandments on your children. 'Talk with them
when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up'. In other words, informally in the everyday living of your life, demonstrate in words and attitudes and actions that God is in control of your life, that He is the creator, that He is the provider, that He is the sustainer of your life and relationships i.e. parental education is NOT information-oriented but relationship-oriented and life-oriented!

Purpose :

1. To give thanks to the author of life
2. To enable the parents to make a commitment to God publicly
3. To invite special friends, church family and extended family to support the parents in the privilege and responsibility entrusted to them

Q.(of Wesley & Belinda) Do you promise before God and His people, with the help of those who stand with you today and through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, to bring Simon up 'in the nurture and admonition of the Lord ', to live godly lives and by precept and example to transmit the love of God and do your part to make Jesus Christ known to Simon as Friend and Saviour?

Q. (of Jenny & Neil) Do you, as special friends of Wesley & Belinda, promise before God and His people, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to provide all the support that Wesley and Belinda need to fulfil their God-given task and will you pray for them regularly and allow them to be accountable to you for the parenting they will share together?

Q. (of the Congregation) Do you promise before God, insofar as you are able to live your lives before Simon (and all other children) in ways that are Christlike and to pray and do whatever you can to encourage and support Wesley & Belinda in the challenging task of parenting? (IF YOU ARE PREPARED TO DO SO, PLEASE INDICATE BY STANDING )

The following blessing and then prayer (taking Simon in my arms)

SIMON WESLEY DART,  'May the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, the Lord lift up the light of His countenance upon you and give you His peace.' (Numbers 6 : 26)



I want to speak today to parents of all kinds............

The Family was instituted by God and in Genesis 1:27 the Bible says that after God created Adam and Eve and then He blessed them and said to them amongst other things - 'Be fruitful and multiply'.

And so parenting was approved by God. Children are special to him and he entrusts them to fallible human beings!

The Word of God tells many stories about both the influence of parents on children. I want to remind you this morning of a few examples of parenting which are recorded in The Bible for our instruction.


* ISAAC & REBEKAH (Gen. 27) with sons, Esau & Jacob                                        
Deception & Lies

* JACOB & RACHEL (Gen. 37 esp. vs 3&4) with son, Joseph
Favouritism (sibling rivalry)

* ELI  - The Priest  (1 Sam. 2:12 & 22-25a) with sons, Hophni & Phineas                           Lack of Discipline -immorality

*  DAVID  (2 Sam. esp. Ch.13) & his children                                                            
No boundaries or limits set
cf. own adultery, incest, rebellion,murder


* THE PARABLE OF THE LOST SON (Luke 15 :11-31) - told by Jesus
vs. 11 - Two  sons.
Children are different.

vs. 12 - The father listened to  his son and was willing 'to let go'.
Children need parents to listen and after modelling the right values, to allow them to take risks and, if they make mistakes, to be there when they come to their senses vs 20. The father continued to love his son even though he was 'in a far country'. Children need parents to love them even when they do the wrong thing.

vs. 21ff - The father allowed expression of opinions & feelings and was ready and willing to forgive his children.
Children need parents to respect how they think & feel and to distinguish between them and their behaviour so that they can forgive the child without condoning sinful behaviour.

vs. 20,22 & 31 - The father affirmed his children in words & deeds.
Children need  parents to express their love as well as show affection.

vs. 28ff - The father was prepared to take the initiative (esp with his elder son)
Children need parents to make the first move when relationships have turned sour.

N.B. The story of the prodigal son is not just the story of an earthly father treats his children but the story of how our Heavenly Father treats us - his prodigal children!

1. He is an active listener to our requests (even unreasonable ones).

2. He always responds and allows us the freedom to make mistakes . He never seeks to control us and make us do what He wants but has a given us a free will.

3. Even when we make mistakes, He loves us just the same and He never gives up on us.

4. He allows us to learn from the mistakes we make and is always ready and willing to forgive us when we come to our senses and repent of our wilful and sinful ways.

5. He affirms our worth and value and made each of us in His image.

6. He permits us to own and express our thoughts and  feelings to Him without judgment or condemnation.

7. He hates sin but loves the sinner.

8. He loves us unconditionally and He took the initiative in expressing His love in action by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior and Redeemer.

This is how God parents us and nurtures us. What a gracious, tender, loving and forgiving parent He is. He invites you and me today, with the enabling of His Holy Spirit, to treat our children, grandchildren and one another the way He treats us.

It's my prayer that, in future, as you reflect on the parable of the prodigal son, you will not miss the picture of the love of God for His lost children and will see His arms outstretched and running towards you , ready to embrace you and welcome you or any other person who repents and returns home.