Tuesday, 10 March 2009


This is the text version of Belinda’s speech on the occasion of Katrina’s 40th Birthday in 2008

It’s my turn to do a speech.

Kind, loving, generous, funny, never ending energy and enthusiasm – these are only some of the words that describe Katrina.

Where do I start when doing a speech about Katrina? That was the question I wrestled with earlier in the week. It’s so easy to have lots of ideas running around in your head, but getting them out is another matter.

One thought that kept coming over and over is Katrina’s selflessness and her care and love for others.

In Matthew 22 from the Bible there some verses that say:

'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.'

I really believe that these verses so beautifully describe Katrina – she is a woman who so much seeks to love God with all her heart and soul and mind.

The second part of the verse says -- 'Love your neighbour as yourself.'

Let me ask – how many of you are here tonight as dear friends of Katrina (& Scott) because of the love and friendship she has shown to you?

How many of you have children that she has minded, had a meal cooked for you, enjoyed cake that Katrina has made, have been made welcome in their home, been blessed by a haircut, a cup of tea or a listening understanding ear?

Katrina is often to first to help in times of need. I know of many ways that Katrina has been involved in your lives.

She is a wonderful wife and mother, a valuable part of her work and treasured friend of so many.

I count it pure joy and a privilege to be amongst her friends.

Her love for others and selfless giving is what has endeared her to us all, and we all honour you tonight Katrina.